આવી રીતે ૨ જાત ના વડપાડા બનાવો ઘરે મુંબઈ ના ટેસ્ટી વડા પાવ બનાવના ની રીત,
Hello friends
I am Krunal Panchal
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Food Blossom with Krunal
Ingredients Vada Pav:-
7 to 8 pcs potato, hing, haldi, udad dal, salt, rai, 6 to 7 pcs lasan, 1 inch jinger, 3 to 5 green chilly, 6 to 7 pcs kadi patta.
1. Boil potatoes
2. Peel it and smash it and put some corriander and salt as per your taste.
3. Take 2 tsp oil. Heat it. Than put 1/2 tsp rai, hing, 2 spoon udada dal, small pieces of green chilly, ginger and lasan paste (if u dnt eat garlic it can be skipped). Than put kadi patta, 1/2 spoon haldi. Than let it been cooked for 1min. Ek vaar apdu vagar ready thai jai wne smash karela potato ma nakhi ne mix kari devanu.
4. Than take that puran and give small round shape.
5.Mean while prepare kheeru of chana dal aata ( salt, water, chana dal atta. It shouldbe thick. So that it is easy to fry).
Then fry it. It is ready to serve and eat.
6. For children they like to eat chatpatta or spicy butter masala vada pav. Take tava put 1tsp butter. Put corriander and little bit red chilly powder. Than mix it. After wards take pav and mix well and put wada .
Your butter masala spicy and chatpatta vada pav is ready to eat
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Food Blossom with Krunal